On Facebook: Samsung Laptops 'Take Me Out Challenge'

Samsung is promoting their new 3series laptop on Facebook with an engaging ‘Take MeOut Challenge’ application. You need to select 2 reasons why you would like taking your Samsung Laptop out, upload a picture of you in preset avatars and backgrounds that you can play around with and then share it with friends. The more you share, the more ‘laptop miles’ you collect and the greater your chance of winning some great Samsung goodies like the Tab & the Galaxy phone or even the laptop! I love the gratifications for sure.

Bugbear: The application asked me to enter my location on Facebook (I didn’t have it on my profile earlier) – and there was no way to skip that step and move ahead. Not cool. Not sure why they need user location.  

The application overall is fun. I discovered it via display banners on some sites, so Paid Media it is! There is also a testimonial area for users to comment and a Winner's Leaderboard.
The Facebook brand page is a new Samsung initiative and they have nearly 60k fans and regular multiproduct updates.  

Looking forward to more Samsung online campaigns soon. I hope they look beyond Facebook too!

Check out the Brand Page: http://www.facebook.com/samsungIN
and the Application: http://apps.facebook.com/samsungtmo/

Rich Media This Week


Brand Promo Site: Airtel Broadband Home