Rich Media This Week

It was an average week for Rich Media. We didn't see anything we haven't seen before. Here are some select shots of the better executions. 

Where: The Times of India Home Page
What: OTP
When: 02.01.2012
Advertiser: Indigo

Where: Sify Home Page
What: Pushdown with Skinner
When: 04.01.2012
Advertiser: 7UP

Where: MSN India Home Page
What: OTP with Skinner
When: 06.01.2012
Advertiser: Star Plus

Where: Yahoo! India Home Page
What: OTP
When: 06.01.2012
Advertiser: Star Plus

Where: Hotmail Landing Page
What: OTP
When: 06.01.2012
Advertiser: Players

Rich Media Watch: MSN UK and


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