On Facebook: Garnier Pure Active

Facebook seems to be the go-to destination for beauty brands in India. Dove, Vaseline, Neutrogena and now Garnier which is promoting its Pure Active range on Facebook.

Apart from skin tips & product promo Wall Posts, the Brand page (with nearly 165k Likes) has a Product Profile page, Spot Busters Videos which are short snips of people using wild objects to get rid of their pimples.

Interactive elements include Report a Friend Application where you can select a friend, their picture, and what they would likely use to get rid of their pimples (options being sandpaper and plunger among others!) and post on your wall. What was the objective, again?

Fans can also share their anonymous embarrassing stories on the Pimple Secrets section.

The V-Day promo page is still on, which ideally should have either been removed or reworded.  

More of the same.

I wish brands would put some more thought and look to stand out in the clutter of same old, yawn inducing, Facebook Brand Pages.

Till that happens, check out the Garnier Pure Active Brand Page:

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