Weekend Recco: Mohan Music Palace’s Harmonium Love
This is one incredible website. Created for Mohan Music Palace by the amazing idea and execution team at Webchutney, HarmoniumLove.com is highly recommended.
The site is all about Indian Music’s ubiquitous musical instrument, the Harmonium. While you wait for the site to load, the pre-loader provides byte sized info on it. The background audio on the website is a pepped up Harmonium melody.
But the best execution is the game where a virtual Harmonium melody is created using laptop keys and moving the screen. What thinking! There are three songs for which keys are provided and you can play along.
You can also check out Harmonium options available at Mohan Music Palace and ask for a quote.
The site design with Indian pop-art impressions, rendered in flash, is faultless.
Awesome stuff.
Check out: http://www.harmoniumlove.com/