Campaign Watch: Airtel 'My Song My Story'

Airtel is extensively promoting its new VAS campaign 'My Song My Story' on digital. The product is an interactive service from Airtel, where fans can talk to popular singers that Airtel has lined up, hear them sing Live and share stories around creating & recording their songs.

Promo one-pager on Airtel's website does a good job of bringing together all the elements of this campaign which includes schedules, television commercial videos, links to Airtel’s Facebook Brand Page and Twitter Handle.

The page also calls out a Contest, hosted on Facebook, where fans can leave any personal stories which make their favorite songs special. User stories with the highest votes stand a chance to win goodies.

There are QC issues with the Facebook Application. The copy has glaring errors and there are section alignment issues on some browsers. The key image on the application page also shows up an old schedule update.

Airtel has also executed some interesting rich media for this campaign like the MSN Flimstrip & Youtube Masthead with a video carousel, over the last couple of weeks. They never made it to my Rich Media This Week lists, as there were always better executions to showcase, including their own
Airtel Money Rich Media.  

Check out the promo here:

Campaign Update: Canon ‘What Makes Us Click- My Video’ Contest On Facebook


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