Rich Media Watch: The 'All New' Slider for Samsung Galaxy Y on MSN India

MSN in India leads with rich media innovations and executions. Close on the heels of the Yahoo! Flip execution, we now have a new MediaMind home page rich media execution called the Slider for Samsung Galaxy Y that launched today.

The Slider starts with a simple Lrec and and a page overlay unit and on user initiation, the page slides (much like the Sidekick but in this case the whole page moves). The entire page real estate can be used by the brand to showcase all that they fancy. These high impact ad units are great for brand launches and can be leveraged to tell the campaign story.

For the Samsung execution though, it is just a predicatble video. Which brings me to the same point I made for the Yahoo! new unit launch, unless the creative guys think out of the box, all these units will all look like a TVC or print ad showcase.

Let's hope we get around to infusing more creativity and innovation into these amazing units.

Check out the video of the rendition below.


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