Rich Media This Week
media executions last week were more of the same, except for the MTV Rush Video
innovation on served by Komli Media. The video on click would expand to
showcase brand imagery and social media plugs including Facebook links & Twitter
connect. One ad that brought everything together.
Where: Yahoo! India Home Page
What: Flip Takeover
When: 09.07.2012
Advertiser: Renault Duster
Where: Yahoo! India Home Page
What: Flip Takeover
When: 09.07.2012
Advertiser: Renault Duster
Where: Sify Home Page
What: Takeover
When: 10.07.2012
Advertiser: LG 3D TV
Where: Home Page
What: OTP
When: 12.07.2012
Advertiser: Cocktail
Where: Home Page
What: Click to Expand Video
When: 12.07.2012
Advertiser: MTV Rush