Rich Media This Week

This week my favorite was the Renault Scala launch takeover on Yahoo! India. Great animation and neat execution. The IE expandable masthead on Youtube was another fab creative. Here is a list of the better executions from the past week.

Where: Yahoo! India Home Page
What: OTP + Skinner Takeover
When: 10.09.2012
Advertiser: Renault Scala

Where: Home Page
What: Pushdown + Skinner Takeover
When: 11.09.2012
Advertiser: Renault Scala

Where: Facebook 
What: Logout Ad
When: 12.09.2012
Advertiser: HUL Axe

Where: Youtube Home Page
What: Masthead Expandable
When: 14.09.2012
Advertiser: Microsoft IE

Where: Indiatimes Home Page
What: OTP
When: 14.09.2012
Advertiser: Vodafone SpeedFest

F1 Series: Airtel’s Join Our Pit Crew Campaign


Campaign Watch: Asian Paints' Beautiful Homes Guide