Rich Media Watch: Nissan Pathfinder on MSN US and Orange Cineday on MSN France

Two great rich media executions.

Orange promoted Cineday on MSN France with a Slider execution where the page shifts to the side and the rich media real estate takes over the page. In this case it was a simple video. The initial frame also has a horizontal overlay on the home page, in addition to the LREC unit. 

The second is actually my favorite. Check out this smart Nissan Pathfinder execution on MSN US home page. After user initiation, the ad space is used to create engagement through the commercial, hotspotting and 360 degree views of the car. I also love the way the expanded portion gives the illusion of MSN's Infopane and how the car jumps out of the 300x250 area. Really cool.


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Rich Media This Week