Rich Media Watch: Acura on MSN US and Système U on MSN France
I try to keep a tab on rich media from around the world though off-late I haven’t been
posting them enough. This week two home page rich media takeovers stood out.
The first was the Système U takeover on MSN France. The ad was a full screen wallpaper rendition with a video. What was really striking was the animation of the page lifting up. Check it out in the short video capture below. Proof how a simple animation effect can really make a difference in elevating the quality of an execution.
The Acura 300x600 expando on MSN US was a neat execution which didn’t spill out on hover. There is a smart interplay between the two themes which transition seamlessly after the banner expands on click. Video below.
Subscribe to the Powering Brands rich media video channel and stay updated on the latest renditions from around the world.
The first was the Système U takeover on MSN France. The ad was a full screen wallpaper rendition with a video. What was really striking was the animation of the page lifting up. Check it out in the short video capture below. Proof how a simple animation effect can really make a difference in elevating the quality of an execution.
The Acura 300x600 expando on MSN US was a neat execution which didn’t spill out on hover. There is a smart interplay between the two themes which transition seamlessly after the banner expands on click. Video below.
Subscribe to the Powering Brands rich media video channel and stay updated on the latest renditions from around the world.