Campaign Watch: Pantene’s 14 Day Challenge

Pantene’s new #GreatHairDay14 Day Challenge is a social media campaign designed for women to share their feel good stories. The core idea being that a great hair day is not just about healthy hair, it is about feeling better and more confident.  

The campaign microsite has a nifty Hair Advisor tool where you can provide details on your hair routine, goals and challenges and it analyzes the input and provides a hair routine recommendation that fits your lifestyle and styling needs.

Screenshot from Pantene's Hair Advisor 

Pantene has enlisted bloggers and social media influencers for this campaign - which is a de rigueur for most brands today. Social Media influencer posts are a part of the “wall of fame” – which includes pictures of women taking the challenge and tagging their pictures on social media with #greathairday and #pantene14daychallenge. 

Screenshot from Pantene's Microsite

I have to say that this is a well put together initiative to drive social media buzz and generate user stories.


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