Campaign Watch: Nike Membership #YouCantStopUs

Nike has a penchant (more often than not) for coming up with great messaging. The latest Nike Membership campaign is no different. It is restrained, motivating and topical in today’s volatile times. Who would have thought I would say this about a Membership program!

The campaign messaging is all about bringing about a sense of belonging to a community of people that inspire and cheer you on. Members get access to apps, products and rewards and the membership page brings together inspiring stories of grit and hope. Hope that we will come back from where we are today and that nothing can stop us even when the chips are down.
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And while you’re at it check this out too. Let’s all be a part of the change. 

“No matter what we’re up against, we are never too far down to come back.”

Powering My Career: 17 years of Growing and Learning on the Job!


Campaign Watch: Maggi Kitchen Journeys