Pampers India talks about equal parenting in their campaign #ItTakes2

It is always great to see brands taking a different thematic route in their campaigns. Fatherhood and the contribution fathers make to a child’s upbringing is really underestimated in our society. 

The new Pampers India commercial is a great example of contextual storytelling that you invest in emotionally. It talks about how it takes two to co-parent a newborn. The Pampers brand from P&G has always been a torchbearer for dads! This campaign is an extension of the work they have done over the last few years.

Pampers also has a social media surround campaign where they are asking their followers to share co-parenting stories which I think is a great idea. I’ve seen a few celebrities sharing their stories on Instagram via paid partnerships too.

The campaign also asks dads to take the #ItTakes2 pledge to be a partner in parenting. It is a good idea but execution doesn’t seem to work. The page doesn’t really render well (image looks stretched/ distorted) and it does nothing for the campaign. Do people still ‘take a pledge’ on static websites for things? It used to be popular part of digital campaigns about half a decade ago.


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